Is The American Dream Real?

The idea of the “American Dream” is factual. The term is appropriate because the American dream is real or believable for some people.  Americans is a place of joy and also fear because not everything happens like you expect. America tend to set up rules to have everything in control or organized but it doesn’t always work. Themes to consider when thinking about this topic are culture, politics and economics. I’ll use quotes, movies and interviews to help to prove my argument.

The movie Do The Right Thing supports my argument because it shows how some people owe business and some wish to but they don’t. The movie demonstrates how the idea of the American Dream affects culture, politics, and economics in a positive way.Image result for The american dream For instance, the Koreans set up businesses in the neighborhood but African Americans never did. However some may feel that the American Dream is not real. because maybe they don’t feel the same ways as others who believe in it. Once again, the issue with this thinking is because people don’t see how others see their goals. This allows to see that the American Dream is real to some people but not all believe it.

To further prove my point, consider the following quote by Kamala Harris: The American dream belongs to all of us. This means that it exist for the people that believe in it. I presented this quote to Dr. lee, a teacher at my school. She had this to say: “Some people think that they can have the American Dream in some type of believe. For example, a house cars or businesses but I think the dram itself belong to all of us. The reality of the situation is that everybody won’t obtain it because the are so many obstacles”. However, when i asked why do you think people feel this way, this is what she had this to say: “maybe they feel like they are getting closed doors or maybe they keep getting rejection or don’t raise enough money to do what they want to do”. Some may agree with the part that says maybe they are not getting enough money because he or she may be going trough it. This further proves my point that the American Dream belong to us.

Moreover, consider this additional quote by George Carlin. “its called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it”. I presented this quote to ms. Watson a teacher at my school. She had this to say. “My thoughts on that you have to be asleep to believe it means that it doesn’t exist.Image result for The american dream its only a dream or something that is not real”. However, when i asked why do you think people feel this way, this is what she had to say.” I think people feel this way because I am an American and all the people I know are Americans and the American dream is not contrarily to what some people may believe. some may agree with this because maybe they have the same perspective.  This allows us to see that not all people have the same idea about the American dream.

In conclusion, there is a need for change in America. For example, some people give hope because of the obstacles and what other people tells them but they shouldn’t give up and the government should help or let people achieve what they want.  The of the American Dream helps me understand present better. because I see how people think and what are the struggles. Perhaps people should try to achieve what they want and never give up because they can be so close to obtain something they want and if they give up they throw everything they did away.

The American Dream

The statement that The American Dream belongs to all of us is factual. The term factual is correct because the quote is true. I think fear is one emotion showed in the movie and its an example of why people set up rules. A theme to consider when thinking about this topic is culture, politics and economics.

I believe the quote affects culture, politics, and economics in a positive way. For instance, in today’s society we see people who had to work hard to have a better life. InImage result for the american dream addition, rules and laws can affect in achieving the American dream but it can also be a benefit or an advantage to get what you are looking for to achieve. finally, when you work hard enough you can become a wealthier person or other thing you want too achieve because not all people see the American dream as money. This allows us to see that The American dream belongs to all of us. However some may feel like the movie was a true example of the American dream  at the beginning of it, but not all of it should be true.The issue with this thinking is because at the beginning racism and discrimination was showed.

In conclusion i see a continuity as the major as the movie. For example people struggle to have a better life and also some people don’t want other to become successful. It is similar to the movie because they were in a group thinking they are or will become better than others by damaging other property, killing or humiliating others. This help us understand the situation of the present better because now we see or have an idea of how all this started. Perhaps people should do better to improve other their lives and but others too.



Transforming of America as a result of westward expansion was considerable. The term considerable is appropriate because it was helpful to America. Its important to understand this was a time when people were feeling joy for Westward expansion. Its an example why people need to explore. After analyzing the documents, I see positive on historical culture and politic.

Firstly, the destruction of negative people affected politics of the time in positive way based on environmental and relationships. For instance in source #3 states “Railroads workers and passengers… shooting buffaloes for food and mostly sport. In addition it states “.  This greatly weaken the plains Indians… resources and food”. Although people had a harmful  impact on the environment and many settlers did not appreciate the Native American culture. This allows us to see that they could invested their money gained from the buffaloes to gain more. White settlers  damaged the Indians plain but it help them to get what they wanted to achieve.

However, some people may feel the transformation of America as a result of Westward expansion affected politics and culture in a negative way. He or she may be focusing only on source #1, how African did not get out the south. However the evidence in the text shows this was not completely true.

In conclusion the evidence strongly supports continuing in history. Base on the facts given the government still gains power. For example in the past the government controlled the people and we still see it today. It helps us understand the past and how everything began. Today  we see some people that are not happy with the government. perhaps people should try to change the government because in some situation the government acts without thinking how it will affect the people. Also try to provide help for all the people that need the help from the government.


The Great Depression

The causes and effects of the Great Depression and how the new deal changed the role of the government are considerable and acceptable.

I chose the terms considerable and acceptable because this topic deals with good and bad. Its important to understand that this was a time were people are needing help and getting help. After analyzing the document, I see a negative and positive impacts on historical themes which are politics and culture.

Firstly the approaches of hoover and FDR on how to handle The Great Depression affected culture in a positive/negative way based on New president and old administration for instance, in source one “when president Roosevelt… launched a series programs to ease… Great Depression”. In addition, it states, “the inaction of the government made things worse…”. this allows us to see poor people got the help the needed when FDR became president and Hoovers way of doing business pushed people away. The way people lived when the government let them do what they want but sometimes it didn’t.

however some may feel the causes for The Great Depression and how the government changed affected politics and culture in only a positive/negative way. He or she may be focusing only on the money and the banks. But the evident shows this isn’t completely true.

In conclusion, we see a major focus on culture because The Great Depression affected a lot of American lives. this was important because it helps us understand the past better. Perhaps people should try to improve their lives and others.

Image result for the great depression

Containment in action

The idea containment in action is valid. I said valid because the statement is true. historical themes to consider thinking about this topic are culture and politics. For example the United States was trying to stop communism from spreading but the soviet union wanted the opposite. for instance, the evidence state “United States threaten nuclear war to stop communism”. This allow us to see that United States was willing to do anything to stop communism from spreading. In conclusion we see a major focus on culture because this was affecting people’s lives. this was important because it help us understand all the things that happen in the past and how the problems were solved better. Perhaps people should always try to make a difference in the world and always think positive and do good not bad.  Another thing i consider that people should do is to always try to make peace with others to prevent personal problems or world problems and also to make the world a safe place and and make the people good citizens.

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Westward Expansion

The idea “transformation of America westward expansion is considerable and repugnant”. The term considerable and repugnant is appropriate because there are good things and bad things. it’s important to understand this was a time were transportation and communication revolution; growth of western cities; access to new land; removal of native Americans. After analyzing the document, themes that should be considered when analyzing this topic are positive or negative on culture and relationships. Firstly impact of westward expansion on ideas of America femininity affected culture of the time in the time in a positive/negative may be based on new freedom and friendships. For instance , in source 1 “many AA in the south  realized that they were losing what few white political allies they had in their home state”. In addition, it states “some AA decide to abandon the south”. This allows us to see AA wanted to improved their lives and they had to leave the south and go west, many make sure AA were able to get a fresh start at transforming their lives. secondly, the destruction of negative people affected politics of the time in positive/negative way based on a killing spree, shooting buffalo for food and mostly sport and this greatly weakened the plains Indians… This allows us to see people had a harmful impact on the environment and many settlers did not appreciate the native Americans culture. However, some may not feel the transformation of America as a result of westward expansion affected politics and culture of the time in mostly a positive/negative way.

Image result for westward expansion


The idea that success of ISIS was caused by the effectiveness policies of Barack Obama is invalid. I said invalid because the statement is false. ISIS attacked the U.S. and also France and Belgium. Themes to consider when thinking about this topic are culture and power. For example ISIS demonstrate the weakness of powerful nations. for instance line two states “Islamic state is hard to defeat…” this allows to see that ISIS has his own way of attacking strong nations or doing what they want, this group called ISIS has attacked different countries but where they think it hurts the most which is famous buildings or statues that the country values or and also where the country can make money of it. In conclusion we see a major focus on culture because ISIS affect many people lives. This was important because it helps us understand ISIS better. Perhaps people should find a way to stop ISIS so it doesn’t hurt more countries or sacrifice their own people.

Image result for ISIS

The president Johnson legislation invested money in a right way.

The government leaders were compassionate/kind in the 1960s was factual. I say factual because the statement is true. Domestic programs and legislation improved the quality of all life  of all Americans.  Themes to consider when thinking about this topic are culture and change. For example, the president Johnson invested money in a right way. For instance line 8 states “The Great Society established medicare and medicaid”. This allows us to see  that president Johnson cared about all American lives and wanted better things like people having a change to go to the doctor without paying any money from their pockets. In conclusion we see a major focus on change because this Acts really change American lives. This was important because it help us understand why we have medicare and medicaid in today’s society, also others programs. Perhaps people should keep trying to improves not only American lives but all lives they can.

Image result for the great society

The Civil Rights Movement

The idea the Civil Rights Movements made minorities stronger is valid. I said valid because the statement is true, the Civil Rights Movements gave the people protection from the federal government and from the fellow citizens. Themes to consider when thinking about this topic are politics and change. For example, Because of this laws people followed the grassroots organization and strategies of the Civil Rights Movement. for instance line 2-3 states “The movement also pioneered the use in the United States of non-violent techniques. This allows to see that people were improving and changing in a better way, it was hard because of all the ignorant people of the past thought that they were different from others that didn’t look like them. In conclusion we see a major focus on change because this laws and changes improved the United States. this was important because it helps me understand how we have rights in today’s society. Perhaps people should always be changing and improving for a better future and also stop segregation because we still see it in today’s society.

Image result for the civil rights movement


The “containment” in action from 1945-1990 was unacceptable. I said unacceptable because U.S tried to prevent communism from spreading. Themes to consider when thinking about this topic are culture and relationships. For example U.S containment generate problems around around the world. For instance, line 5 says “United states intervened when war broke out between communism North Korea and South Korea. This allow us to see that America was willing to do anything to stop communism. In conclusion, we see a major focus on relationships because U.S was making enemies with the countries that didn’t agree with the U.S. this was important because it helps us understand that U.S is a capitalist country. Perhaps people should learn about the past and find a way to do the country better.

Image result for containment