The president Johnson legislation invested money in a right way.

The government leaders were compassionate/kind in the 1960s was factual. I say factual because the statement is true. Domestic programs and legislation improved the quality of all life  of all Americans.  Themes to consider when thinking about this topic are culture and change. For example, the president Johnson invested money in a right way. For instance line 8 states “The Great Society established medicare and medicaid”. This allows us to see  that president Johnson cared about all American lives and wanted better things like people having a change to go to the doctor without paying any money from their pockets. In conclusion we see a major focus on change because this Acts really change American lives. This was important because it help us understand why we have medicare and medicaid in today’s society, also others programs. Perhaps people should keep trying to improves not only American lives but all lives they can.

Image result for the great society

22 thoughts on “The president Johnson legislation invested money in a right way.”

  1. Spectacular job! I strongly focused on the sentence blow, “This was important because it help us understand why we have medicare and medicaid in today’s society, also others programs. ” This gave me an understanding to how you thought of The Great Society. I read that you thought it was a good thing. Also what really interested me was that you brought your point to present day. I agree that we still have medicare and medicaid. That was a good choice because it gives poor people a better image of the government. That the government is not only bad and crucial but that it wants to help everyone. With that being said I suggest that in your future essay you use a better picture that is not typically used. Maybe use something creative, that will go into the essay without having to be about The Great Society. Therefore I rate your essay a 3 out of 3, because I liked that you made it fit into today’s world. It helped me to understand it better. Why do you think that president Johnson wanted to create medicare and medicaid? Was it a good long term program? Do you think its still a good idea to give poor people money to get back up? Or do you think that people are now just abusing it?

  2. Great Job ! I focus on this , The government leaders were compassionate/kind in the 1960s was factual. I say factual because the statement is true. Domestic programs and legislation improved the quality of all life of all Americans. Themes to consider when thinking about this topic are culture and change. For example, the president Johnson invested money in a right way. For instance line 8 states “The Great Society established medicare and medicaid”. This allows us to see that president Johnson cared about all American lives and wanted better things like people having a change to go to the doctor without paying any money from their pockets. I agree with you because President Johnson cared about they health and was willing to help them. Do you think people should work for what they want ? Why did the poor not work? I rate your work a 3 out of 3 .

  3. Great job!! I really like the paragraph you wrote on President legislation and how he invested money in the right way. I focused on the sentence ” Domestic programs, and legislation improved the quality of all life of all Americans,Domestic programs and legislation improved the quality of all life of all Americans” because the programs had a positive effect on culture. It helped people with “less” money. President Johnson cared for American lives, mostly those who are labeled “less than”. For instance in lines 8 states “The Great Society established medicare and medicaid”, also showed us he cared too because he was willing to have citizens taken care of even if they didnt pay out of pocket at the hospital. Do you think Johnson cared for America?

  4. Awesome post! I focused on the sentence,”In conclusion we see a major focus on change because this Acts really change American lives. This was important because it help us understand why we have medicare and medicaid in today’s society, also others programs.” because, I totally agree with your opinion. Your post made me feel like we could relate to the topic because I said something similar while writing mine. In the future I suggest you go back and check for grammar errors. overall I rated your work 3 out of 3. How do you personally feel about the laws that were passed by President Lyndon B. Johnson?

  5. Nice post.This allows us to see that president Johnson cared about all American lives and wanted better things like people having a change to go to the doctor without paying any money from their pockets.How the post make me feel is when you said they will go into the essay without having to be about The Great Society. The suggestion is when you said the great society established medicare and medicaid.Rate 2-good job.Why do you think people should keep trying to improves the American lives and others.

  6. Great work! I would score your essay a 3. I mainly focused on this sentence, “This allows us to see that president Johnson cared about all American lives and wanted better things like people having a change to go to the doctor without paying any money from their pockets.” This statement gave me a good understand of something Johnson did, but President Johnson didn’t only help them be able to go to the doctor. Johnson also helped out with education and helped make the society better. I really like your choice in picture because Martin Luther King Jr. also was somebody that help the society by striving for equal rights. Next time try to go more in detail about how President Johnson helped the society and make sure you capitalize president before a presidents name. Do you think President Johnson was a great president to the society?

  7. Nice post! “Domestic programs and legislation improved the quality of all life of all Americans.” This statement drew my attention because I agree and disagree. Yes, it benefited many, but it didn’t have a long-lasting affect. What do you mean by “domestic programs” exactly? One suggestion that I’d like to make is for you to seriously revise your work and, before submitting it, have someone read your work. The reason for me saying so is because of several errors I’ve stumbled across while viewing your work. This post made me feel neutral because it didn’t surprise me nor did it bore me to death. It was ok. I’d rate this post as a 2 out of a 3 due to several mistakes I’ve seen. In your opinion, why did the acts have a long-lasting affect on America?

  8. Decent job! I would score your essay a 2. I mainly focused on this sentence, “This allows us to see that president Johnson cared about all American lives and wanted better things like people having a change to go to the doctor without paying any money from their pockets.” This statement gave me a good understanding of your topic and it also grabbed my attention. It grabbed my attention because the president Johnson really cared about all his Americans lives. I really love your choice in picture it really is representing on what you are talking about. I really consider when you said the great society established medicare and medicaid. My question is Why do you think people should keep trying to achieve the American lives and others?

  9. grat post .This allows us to see that president Johnson cared about all American lives into the essay without having to be about The Great Society. The suggestion is when you said the great society. i rated u 3/3 Why do you think people should keep trying to improves the American lives and others.

    1. great post .This allows us to see that president Johnson cared about all American lives into the essay without having to be about The Great Society. The suggestion is when you said the great society. i rated u 3/3 Why do you think people should keep trying to improves the American lives and others.

  10. Nice job! I give your work a 3 out of 3. A sentence that caught my attention the most states “This allows us to see that president Johnson cared about all American lives and wanted better things like people having a change to go to the doctor without paying any money from their pockets.” This describe in full details the efforts of the government. This makes me feel greatly about our government. However in the future reread over and make better grammar choices. Where did you get that wonderful picture from?

  11. Nice job! I give your work a 3 out of 3. A sentence that caught my attention the most states “This allows us to see that president Johnson cared about all American lives and wanted better things like people having a change to go to the doctor without paying any money from their pockets.” This describe in full details the efforts of the government. This makes me feel greatly about our government. However in the future reread over and make better grammar choices. Where did you get that excellent picture from?

  12. I love your post! I put a lot of focus on this sentence “This allows us to see that president Johnson cared about all American lives and wanted better things like people having a change to go to the doctor without paying any money from their pockets.” This sentence grabbed my attention since President Johnson did care about helping all Americans and that did help to improve the United States. This post made me feel that what President Johnson did was a good thing and that it helped out a lot of Americans and through this post I understood that more. In the future you should work on your grammar as I see you wrote improves and not improve. I rated your post a 2 out of 3. Do you think President Johnson should have continued to help the lower-class after a certain period of time?

  13. Great work!! I focused on this sentence: “This allows us to see that president Johnson cared about all American lives and wanted better things like people having a change to go to the doctor without paying any money from their pockets.” This statement gave me a understanding of your perspective. I agree with the statement you made and that makes me feel that I can trust you on this topic. However, next time, I suggest you use a better picture because the picture you choose is boring. But overall I rate your work a 2 out 3. How would you have helped poor people in that time??

  14. Wonderful job! I score your work a 3 out of 3. I mainly focus on this sentence,” This allows us to see that president Johnson cared about all American lives and wanted better things like people having a change to go to the doctor without paying any money from their pockets.” This statement gave me a great understanding of your perspective. I think that President Johnson was a person that wanted equality and peace because, he had issues with himself that he couldn’t work out during that time. I really love your choice of photo. Next time, keep up the good work. My question is Why do you think President Johnson wanted to help the society after the Vietnam war?

  15. Awesome post! I focused on the sentence “This allows us to see that President Johnson cared about all American lives and wanted better things like people having a change to go to the doctor without paying any money from their pockets.” This sentence caught my attention because I belief that those were his motifs. Your work made me feel very informed because you names everything he did and gave it a reason. A suggestion for the future would be to look over your work and proofread it for minor mistakes. I give your work a 3. My question is, if you were president during this time would you still agree with Johnson’s actions?

  16. Spectacular job! I strongly focused on the sentence blow, “ This allows us to see that president Johnson cared about all American lives and wanted better things like people having a change to go to the doctor without paying any money from their pockets. ” This gave me an understanding on how u feel about The Great Society. From your perspective you thought it was a good thing but I think it wasn’t because they wasted money trying to stop poverty and it still poverty till this day. In the future essay you use more evidence explain more on what your talking about. Maybe use something creative, that will go into the essay without having to be about The Great Society. I rate your essay a 3 out of 3. Why do you think that president Johnson created those legislation laws?

  17. Great job! I mainly focused on this statement ,”This allows us to see that president Johnson cared about all American lives and wanted better things like people having a change to go to the doctor without paying any money from their pockets. “This gave me a great understanding of your work and how President Johnson helped poverty . Next time you should proff read and check for capitalization . I rate your work 2 out of 3. Great picture as well! Why do you think the government stop some of the acts for the poverty?

  18. Good Job. I wanted to shed more light on this particular sentence, “This allows us to see that president Johnson cared about all American lives and wanted better things like people having a change to go to the doctor without paying any money from their pockets.” I agree with your statement, however, I’m confused on the example you made for this particular topic. This post makes me feel confused and mislead, seeing that we have the same perspective. You seem to have a different approach on what his objective was for the poor people. For future purposes, double check for typos and double-spaces that you’ve made through your typing. I rate your 2 out of 3. My question to you is, what is the main objective or focus was for the “Great Society” ideology that Pres. Johnson created?

  19. Great Job! “This allows us to see that president Johnson cared about all American lives and wanted better things like people having a change to go to the doctor without paying any money from their pockets.’ this grabbed my attention because this really made me understand your point of view. This made me agree with your statement because he did help out with the poor. I Suggest you work on a better picture. What would you have done differently ?

  20. First off good job on your work. The sentence I focused on ” Johnson cared about all American lives and wanted better things like people having a change to go to the doctor without paying any money from their pockets”. This made me feel like somebody gone care for me like Johnson did. Far as your punctuation great job on that. Your picture could have been better like something way better but good job. I rate your work 2 out of 3. How can you improve someone else’s life ?

  21. Awesome post.“ This allows us to see that president Johnson cared about all American lives and wanted better things like people having a change to go to the doctor without paying any money from their pockets. ” I focused on this sentence because it confused me with how you explain your evidence. This post made me feel like you were off topic . In the future better understand what you trying to explain. I rate your work a 1 out of 3.My question is Why do you think president Johnson made money the right way?

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